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The Misfit's Guide to Writing Indie Romance

Aug 28, 2018

Eliza and Adrienne rank the four Hollywood Chrises. That's it. Nothing writing related. Just Chrises.

Aug 21, 2018

All characters have a backstory. Eliza and Adrienne talk how, when, and where to weave it into your story...and when to leave it out completely.

Aug 14, 2018

Who are you really? There are so many reasons authors choose to write under a different name...and so many names to choose from. This week Adrienne and Eliza talk about the in and outs of being someone else.

Aug 7, 2018

Eliza and Adrienne talk how, why, and when to protect your words and worlds. Adrienne gets serious (for just a minute) to share a personal story about just how important it is.