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The Misfit's Guide to Writing Indie Romance

Dec 31, 2019

Let's travel back to a simpler time. All the way back to Jan 1st 2019, and listen to the goals Eliza and Adrienne had for the year. Did they achieve their goals? Do they even remember them a year later? Find out next week when the Misfits return with the Goals 2020 edition.

Dec 24, 2019

Beginnings are exciting, and endings are climactic, but middles...oh, those poor middles can sag. This week Adrienne and Eliza talk about what to do when you realize the middle of your story lags and drags.

Dec 17, 2019

This week Eliza and Adrienne welcome Jolie Moore to the show, and talk about making lemonade out of life's nasty lemons. Jolie shares the ways she's flourished in difficult circumstances thanks to a mixture of creativity, imagination, and humor.

Dec 10, 2019

How do you keep writing when the blahs hit hard? This week Eliza and Adrienne share some of their favorite short and long-term motivation solutions.

Dec 3, 2019

NaNo is over, and that means it's time to check in on how things are going with Eliza's second novel. Did she reach her production schedule goals? What were successes and failures? And what major lessons did she learn along the way?