Jul 30, 2019
Getting into multiple character's heads can be daunting. This week Eliza and Adrienne discuss their tips and tricks for diving deep into your characters' POVs
Jul 23, 2019
There's no story without conflict. So why can be so hard to write? This week Adrienne and Eliza talk about getting the balance right.
Jul 16, 2019
Eliza is back! and she's finished the first draft of her new novel. That means it's time for Adrienne to grill her on what she's learned, how her productivity schedule is going, and what she'll do differently next time.
Jul 9, 2019
*REPLAY* from 7/17/2018 -- A look back at how Eliza and Adrienne tackled first drafts a year ago before we dive into Eliza's experience finishing up her latest work in progress.
Jul 2, 2019
Some writers have theirs down to a science. Others...not so much. This week Adrienne and Eliza talk about writing routines--how they help, how they can hurt, and why they're so dang hard to keep.